Photography | Bleigh Adap

Thursday, January 31, 2008
WOW, eventful day!
The school was buzzing today not because of excitement for another school day (yeah right! lol) but because of the game against our so-called RIVALRY school, Kingsway College.

I guess the tension just built up from last year, when they beat us (although one can say it wasn't much of a game because our team was incomplete - BIGMAN Aaron and Mr.ALL-STAR himself, Mark weren't there). But anyways, after the last bell rang, about 57 of us boarded the good ol' yellow bus and headed to Oshawa.

once we got there, we greeted our friends and said hello to new ones. The game started and right then - everyone knew who was gonna win (I maybe biased because I'm from Crawford lol). We started an 8-0 run.

Around the 2nd quarter, I was by the stands taking pictures as usual when Krista came running and then says, "Look on the stage, guess who's here..." - I looked over and saw JUSTIN, I then said "oh cool, Justin's here." - "No, look again!" - And then I saw him, DAMIAN !!! I ran and I didn't even care if people were getting mad that I was on there way, I ran and gave him the biggest hug ever. OH MAN ! :) I've missed Damian so much. Its been a while since I last saw him.

We just chilled there and then more people came like MARC D. (he put his jacket on my head and after 15 minutes I give it back to him and then he says - OH I THOUGHT YOU WERE A COAT RACK. LOL). And eventually, we won the game by 16pts.

There were talks of "beef" going around but I personally didn't see anything happen. It was all in good fun. WE WON :)

The pictures will be up soon.

It was kinda weird having people come up to me and after finding out my name, telling me they've seen my work and that they love it. ITS REALLY WEIRD; haha.
posted by Bleigh A. @ 9:18 PM  
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This is the blog of aspiring photographer, Bleigh Adap from Toronto, Canada.
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Name: Bleigh A.
Home: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
About Me: I love photography & music.
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